Free Zebra Chip Webinar Set for May 7

Published online: May 05, 2015 Event Calendar, Insecticide
Viewed 2381 time(s)

Zebra chip is among the biggest threats to the U.S. potato industry. As part of a grant-funded outreach effort, the USDA Office of Pest Management Policy and the American Phytopathological Society are hosting a free zebra chip webinar May 7 at 10 a.m. Central.

This one-hour webinar, titled β€œOverview of Zebra Chip Research in the U.S.,” will be presented by Dr. Charlie Rush, a plant pathologist at the Texas A&M AgriLife Research and Extension Center and a leading authority on zebra chip. It offers the latest essential information for growers, consultants, potato pathologists and industry and government personnel who work with the potato industry.                          

In his presentation, Rush will talk about components of a wide-ranging response and recovery plan that focuses on the control of zebra chip. These components include the etiology, epidemiology, detection, economics and management of zebra chip.  Rush will also identify and discuss priorities needed in research, extension and education to control zebra chip outbreaks.

Register today for free. Space is limited.