Research Agronomist Position Open in Manitoba

Published online: May 21, 2015
Viewed 2568 time(s)

Manitoba is home to approximately 70 commercial potato growers who plant 60,000 to 70,000 acres of potatoes per year. The majority of potato production (80 percent) is for processing with the remainder being grown for the fresh (10 percent) and seed (10 percent) markets.

The Manitoba Horticultural Productivity Enhancement Centre (MHPEC) supports research and innovation for the Manitoba potato industry. MHPEC is currently looking for an applied potato research agronomist to lead industry-driven research strategy focused on improved productivity and competitiveness while complying with increasing demands to demonstrate sustainable production to end users of Manitoba potatoes and potato products. This is a term position with funding available until March 31, 2018.

The responsibilities of this position will include the development, coordination and implementation of an applied potato research program. The priority areas of focus will include:

  • Optimization of nutrient and pesticide inputs for yield and quality;
  • Assessing and remediating sources of in-field variability such as salinity, drainage, topography, and soil characteristics, which are responsible for suboptimal yield and quality;
  • Optimizing water management (irrigation and drainage) for yield and quality;
  • Mitigation strategies for persistent soil-borne diseases, i.e. Verticillium wilt and common scab;
  • Optimizing soil health for yield and quality;
  • Enhancing seed lot performance and minimizing variability. 

The applied potato research agronomist will be expected to collaborate with growers, industry stakeholders and researchers involved in ongoing research projects in these key areas. In addition, the applied potato research agronomist will be expected to seek external funding to develop additional research projects to expand and/or complement the existing initiatives. 

This position will have a strong focus on extension, including research results and other agronomic information relevant to addressing industry priorities. All of these activities will be done cooperatively and collaboratively with growers, other industry stakeholders and science providers. 



  • Ph.D. or M.Sc. degree (or a B.Sc. with extensive experience in potato research and extension) in plant sciences, agronomy, or a closely related discipline
  • Experience in potato-related research and knowledge of the North America potato industry preferred
  • Ability and demonstrated expertise to write, plan research, analyze data and complete timely reports
  • An excellent ability and demonstrated experience in the development and delivery of extension tools such as oral presentations and other forms of technology transfer
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills
  • Aptitude for teamwork, leadership, training and communications


MHPEC offers a competitive salary and benefits.

Applicants should submit a cover letter, curriculum vitae and list of three references to:

The Manitoba Horticultural Productivity Enhancement Centre (MHPEC)

By email care of:

Please include “application for submission to MHPEC” in the subject line

By mail care of:

Keystone Potato Producers Association

Box 545

Portage la Prairie, Manitoba

R1N 3B9 

The position will remain open until a suitable candidate is found.