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Published in the May 2015 Issue Published online: May 30, 2015 New Products
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Landerson Potato Trailers

Landerson Equipment has two new trailers designed to make time-consuming equipment moving easier and quicker.

The Konveyor King allows for rapid loading, transport and unloading of conveyors and eliminates the difficulty of loading conveyors on flatbed trailers. No tie-downs are needed, and the trailer can also be used for pipe and lumber transportation.

The Piler Prince is designed for quick and easy hookup of heavy pilers and dirt eliminators and eliminates the need for the dangerous use of a handyman jack. This trailer prevents fishtailing while transporting over the road and saves wear and tear caused by excessive weight on transport vehicles.

Contact Landerson Equipment at (208) 260-2258 or

Volm Half-N-Half Pouch, Kangaroo Bagger

Volm Companies, Inc. introduces a new line of packaging, the Half-N-Half Pouch. The Half-N-Half Pouch is a way to not only differentiate from other produce on the shelves with its one-of-a-kind look, but to add breathability for keeping the produce fresh longer. This pouch looks great on the shelf, extends shelf life of produce, and provides an optimized customer experience when purchasing and using the product.

Volm also recently introduced the Volmpack Kangaroo Bagger. The Kangaroo is an easy-to-use, small footprint bagger that allows packers to move away from costly and labor-intensive manual packing to an affordable and automated process for filling pouch-style bags.

Contact Volm at

Wilbur-Ellis Eco Advantage

Wilbur-Ellis introduces its Eco Advantage line of premier adjuvants. All Eco Advantage products have common characteristics to provide a superior product with less impact on the land. In addition to providing outstanding efficacy, all Eco Advantage products are approved for aquatic use, have improved safety handling and are NPE free.

Rainier-EA is designed for use where quick wetting and uniform coverage is required and increases the efficacy of various agricultural chemicals.

Syl-Tac-EA is a highly effective proprietary blend and is formulated for use with pesticides requiring an organosilicone surfactant and modified vegetable oil concentrate.

Renegade-EA offers a unique blend of methylated seed oil, UAN solution and a nonionic surfactant, improving wetting and stability in spray tank mixtures and increases retention and penetration of herbicides on weed surfaces.

Hasten-EA is a customized vegetable oil created as a surfactant concentrate, providing excellent wetting and penetrating characteristics.

Pentair Hypro SprayIT App

Pentair’s Hypro has released a new version of its SprayIT mobile app that allows operators to spray with confidence by recommending the best spray tip for the specific chemical being applied. Users can simply select ‘Size My Tip’ and the app will find the right sized spray tip for specific application parameters.

The Hypro SprayIT app is available for Apple and Android mobile devices and supports both U.S. and metric units. The app is available in multiple languages including English, French, German, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish.

Contact Pentair’s Hypro team at (800) 424-9776 or

LaForge FlexiMass Hitch

FlexiMass by LaForge is a patented ballasting system that is mainly designed for the rear three-point hitch but can also be used on a front three-point hitch in situations where a lot of weight is required.

The idea behind FlexiMass is to replace wheel weights with a more efficient system that also is easy to attach and detach. The basic FlexiMass system allows for the use of the rear drawbar for pulling implements. The two-stage FlexiMass replaces the rear quick-coupler, allowing the use of the draft links and the rear three-point hitch.

Agdia’s POTY ImmunoStrip

Agdia’s POTY ImmunoStrip provides growers a new tool for detection and surveillance of Potyviruses. The test has been validated to detect more than 40 viruses within the Potyvirus genus and can be used to test more than 50 crops. ImmunoStrip tests are grower-friendly and do not require special laboratory skills to use. The ImmunoStrip test shows comparable sensitivity and reliability to other antibody-based laboratory methods such as ELISA.

The POTY ImmunoStrip is offered by Agdia in kits of five and 25 tests. ImmunoStrip kits include everything necessary to perform a test except scissors. Agdia provides a one-year warranty on purchased kits.

Contact Agdia at or (800) 622-4342.

Syngenta Orondis Fungicide

Syngenta announces its newest fungicide, Orondis, containing the active ingredient oxathiapiprolin. Orondis offers protection against diseases including late blight, downy mildews and root and stem rots.

Orondis fungicide will offer U.S. growers effective control of economically important soil and foliar diseases caused by Oomycete fungi in vegetables, potatoes and tobacco. In addition, Orondis features a new mode of action with no known cross-resistance to other products, rainfastness within 30 minutes of application, and the ability to act as a foundation fungicide in integrated pest management (IPM) programs


BioSafe Systems introduces ARRET Sprout Treatment for the 2015 potato storage season. ARRET has been approved by the EPA for fresh-pack line treatments and fogging treatment applications. This chemistry utilizes a green and sustainable fatty acid formulation that burns down sprouts on contact. It provides growers with a new tool to enhance quality and storage life of potatoes.

ARRET can be applied by any type of thermal fogger to in-storage potatoes whenever they are peeping, preventing any further sprouting. Its fatty acid chemistry is made up of completely food-safe ingredients and has no use restrictions. ARRET can also stop sprouts in their tracks on fresh-market potatoes. ARRET is easily dispersed in water and should be applied as a low-volume spray bar application when potatoes are being prepped for packaging. For more on ARRET, email or call (970) 396-8825.

Verdesian NutriSphere-N HV

Verdesian Life Sciences introduces NutriSphere-N HV, a new polymer formulation of the proven NutriSphere-N Nitrogen Fertilizer Manager that protects high-volume applications of UAN.

NutriSphere-N HV will deliver all of the benefits of NutriSphere-N, including:

  • Long-lasting protection against all three forms of nitrogen loss: volatilization, leaching and denitrification
  • The ability to pretreat UAN in storage tanks
  • An easy-to-use formulation

In addition, NutriSphere-N and NutriSphere-N HV protect and manage applied nitrogen fertilizer regardless of application timing, giving growers flexibility and advanced protection.
Contact Verdesian Life Sciences at

Max Systems NanoRevolution 2.0

Added to a tank mix of glyphosate at the conservative rate of two to four ounces per acre (based on weed size), NanoRevolution 2.0 has proven effective in killing resistant weed species that had already had up to two applications of the leading glyphosate product.

NanoRevolution 2.0 doesn’t alter the existing chemistry of glyphosate or any other herbicide it is used with. Nor does it heat up the chemistry, which can ultimately result in crop damage. It simply increases the penetration and translocation of the chemistry to the point the plant can’t help but take it up.

Although the product is technically classified as an adjuvant, its second-generation nano-driven performance actually makes it different than anything currently available. The nano-sized particles in NanoRevolution 2.0 can easily penetrate plant cells, taking the herbicide, which binds to them, along for a free ride.

Contact Max Systems at (402) 992-9366 or

Tomra Nimbus Sorter

Tomra Sorting Food announces its Nimbus sorter that will help processors maximize their yields and run efficient operations. The Nimbus’s multiple laser and high-resolution camera system enables sorting by color, structure, size, shape and biological characteristics in free-fall. The Nimbus Smart Sort module allows the machine to be used to its fullest capabilities and ensures sorting performance occurs at the optimum level, resulting in increased efficiency, yield and quality of the end product. To optimize the sorting performance even further, product-specific defects can be self-taught.

Another technology extension to the Nimbus is the state-of-the-art Biometric Signature Identification (BSI) module. The technology works by detecting the biometric characteristics of objects it scans and comparing them to features in its stored database, to determine whether they should be accepted or rejected.

The BSI module detects even smaller biological defects compared to conventional spectral technology, meaning the Nimbus is ideal for pre-sorting as well as effective re-sorting or reverse sorting. A pre-sort can reduce the incoming defect load without discarding good product.

Contact Tomra Sorting Food at