Strengthening the Industry

NPC's focus is grower success, consumer satisfaction

Published in the May 2015 Issue Published online: May 30, 2015 Dan Lake, President
Viewed 1924 time(s)

As NPC president, I am eager to build upon the great strides we have taken in recent years and to do my best to leave NPC in an even stronger position. Thanks to previous NPC presidents, we’re sitting on a firm foundation.

In the 114th Congress, NPC will continue to proactively pave the way for continued success in areas of critical importance to the potato industry.


Potato Research Special Grant

For over 25 years, the potato industry has partnered with federal legislators and USDA officials to invest in potato breeding research projects that have covered issues from late blight and acrylamide to zebra chip. Each of these projects addresses challenges impacting potato production and strives to deliver measurable improvements in potato production. Maintaining and strengthening this investment will address future emerging pest and disease threats by developing improved varieties.


Pollinator Health Reform

Healthy pollinators are beneficial to the environment, and their well-being is a priority for potato growers. Experts believe that addressing honey bee health will require attention to diverse factors including nutrition, parasites, pathogens, genetics, hive management, loss of habitat and pesticides. We are kicking off a pilot program this spring to establish additional bee habitat on potato farms. We recognize the importance of pollinator health to all of agriculture and will continue to work with the EPA, registrants, beekeepers and the grower community to further improve the health of bees and other beneficial insects.


Truck Weight Reform

Increasing allowable truck weights on federal highways is good for agriculture, taxpayers and consumers. Increased truck weights with truck and trailer improvements will boost safety by reducing the number of trucks on the road. Increasing shipping efficiency, reducing wear and tear on our infrastructure, and lowering costs and emissions is good for our country. The reauthorization of the Highway Transportation Bill this year gives us the opportunity to make this important change.

Voluntary GMO Labeling

NPC welcomes new technology that supports advancements in the growing, processing and marketing of potatoes that benefit consumers, growers and processors. We also acknowledge that GM products in the food supply are a divisive issue. NPC believes a comprehensive identity system should be in place to enable the industry to give consumers choice without being a source of confusion in the marketplace. Labeling of GMO and non-GMO products must be a marketplace decision. If consumers request a product to be labeled, federal rules, not multiple state rules, should govern specific label requirements.

I have seen firsthand the benefit of getting involved and being active in the political process. Our representatives in Washington need to hear from us, our families and our friends and neighbors on these and other important issues.