Top Ten Stories

Published online: Dec 28, 2015
Viewed 2761 time(s)

As we come to the end of another great year in the potato industry, let's take a look back at what you, our readers, were most interested in this year.

10. Naturally Potatoes’ Growth Gives Maine Hope               Feb. 11

9.  Diabetic-friendly Potato Marketed                                    Jan. 15

8.  NPC Names Award Winners                                             Jan. 26

7.  Geography a Strong Indicator of Weed Diversity              May 29

6.  Webcast Teaches BRR Sanitation                                      Feb. 17

5.  Black Gold Farms Begins Missouri Harvest                      July 2

4.  Sorter a Success for German Company                              March 25

3.  Phenotyping Software Comes to Vienna Biocenter            Oct. 13

2.  Most of Maine Potato Crop Planted                                    June 5

1.  Spudnik Shows Off 16-Row Harvest System                     July 17

Thank you for all your support throughout 2015. Here's to a successful and joyous 2016.