The Smorgasbord: Clearwater Russet

Clearwater Russet

Published in the January 2016 Issue Published online: Jan 13, 2016 Smorgasbord
Viewed 3838 time(s)

This article appears in the January 2016 issue of Potato Grower.

Because consumers’ tastes are constantly changing and expanding, potato growers have to keep on their toes to ensure they are growing the best varieties for their region as well as for their target customer. With that in mind, Potato Grower introduces “The Smorgasbord,” in which we’ll take a close look at a different cultivar in each issue.

This month, “The Smorgasbord” presents the Clearwater Russet, a dual-purpose russet with great potential for both the processing and fresh markets that is already being cultivated in many production regions across North America.

Many thanks to the good folks at the Potato Variety Management Institute for this information.


Key Attributes

  • High percentage of U.S. No. 1s
  • High specific gravity
  • Attractive tubers
  • Excellent fry color out of storage
  • High protein content
  • Medium to late maturing
  • Oblong-long tubers
  • Medium-russet skin
  • Resistant to tuber late blight, sugar ends and most internal and external tuber defects
  • Moderate resistance to Verticillium wilt and common scab.
  • Resistant to metribuzin when applied at labeled rates
  • Seasonal nitrogen requirements about 20 to 25 less than Russet Burbank for a given amount of yield produced
  • History
  • Developed by the Northwest Potato Variety Development Program and released in 2008
  • PVP-issued in 2014
  • Storage
  • Dormancy of 85 days when stored at 42 degrees with no sprout inhibitor applied
  • Additional care during harvest and handling recommended to mitigate susceptibility to Fusarium dry rot
  • Production
  • 894 acres in 2015