Blight Bill Introduced in Wis. Statehouse

Published online: Feb 06, 2017 Fungicide Diana Normand
Viewed 2010 time(s)

Wisconsin is known for its dairy industry. However, the state produces a lot of other crops, particularly potatoes. So late blight is a real concern for the state’s agriculture industry. That’s why newly elected state senator Patrick Testin of Stevens Point, Wis., has introduced a bill designed to help growers fight the disease.

If the bill were to pass, blighted potatoes would be required be treated within 24 hours after the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection (DATCP) issued a treatment order. If an affected crop needs to be eliminated, there would need to be action within 72 hours of the DATCP’s decision.

Along with Testin, senator Jerry Petrowski of Marathon, Wis., and representative John Spiros of Marshfield, Wis., are co-authors of the bill.


Source: WSAW-TV