Beware of Planting into Cold Soil

Published online: Apr 02, 2018 Articles Sonja Begemann
Viewed 1587 time(s)

Source: Farm Journal

While many across the country are itching to get into fields, planting too early could lead to cold or even frost injury to seedlings, resulting in lowered stands and therefore reduced yield potential. Growers should make sure they’re aware of what soil temperature is in their area and what near-term forecasts indicate temperatures will become.

With a soil probe, get 4 inches below residue and into the soil to get a real measurement of what the seed environment could be. Areas with heavy residue or where you’ve used no-till are likely going to be colder and stay cold longer. Soil needs to stay above that 50-degree mark the first 48 hours after planting to ensure good germination.

The University of Nebraska (UNL) gives these tips for checking soil before planting:

  • Check the average soil temperatures for the last seven days
  • Check the predicted air temperature for the next 48 hours after planting, keeping in mind that soil temperature changes slower than air temperature
  • Test the soil manually in the field you want to plant—use a thermometer with a probe and check temperature just after dawn, since that is when it will be the coldest

If soil tests are below 50 degrees the day you want to plant or are expected to drop for much of the 48-hour period following planting consider delaying plating, UNL advises.