How does free groceries for a month sound? Shoppers in Michigan are in luck because the Michigan Potato Industry Commission (MPIC) is giving free groceries away to potato lovers all year long. The MPIC has partnered with Spartan-Nash stores and other Michigan retailers to promote and help raise awareness of locally grown potatoes.
As a major part of a nearly $100,000 USDA Specialty Crop Block Grant, the MPIC in partnership with Spartan-Nash stores has created 90 Michigan Potatoes-branded orchard bins that will be featured in produce sections all over the state. Shoppers will know when they see the bin that they’re buying a locally grown product that helps support local farmers and communities.
In addition to the 90 branded orchard bins, 4.6 million branded Kwik Lok tags can be found on Michigan-grown potato bags with a “Free Groceries For A Month” campaign to identify Michigan potatoes. Customers all across the state have been asking for more locally grown foods, and the MPIC is doing its part in helping make that happen. Shoppers know when they see a Michigan Potatoes tag on their potatoes that they’re helping support local farms, communities, and Michigan’s agricultural future.