Bayer Seeks Young Farmers for Award

The Young Farmer Sustainability Award acknowledges young producers who demonstrate excellence in environmental and economic sustainability.

Published online: Dec 03, 2015
Viewed 2675 time(s)

Bayer CropScience is seeking young agricultural producers who demonstrate leadership and excellence in the areas of business and environmental sustainability through the 2016 Young Farmer Sustainability Award. Any farmer or rancher age 40 or younger who receives at least half of his or her income from farming and farm-related ventures is eligible to apply.

Applications may be accessed and completed online by clicking here. All applications must be received by Jan. 15.

Award applicants will be judged by a panel of industry experts on the following criteria: their entrepreneurial initiative and adoption of new approaches to farming (50 percent), their environmental and other on-farm sustainability efforts (30 percent), and their economic stability and sustainability (20 percent). The winning entrant will receive a 360 SOILSCAN portable soil testing system, an all-expenses paid trip to the 2016 Ag Issues Forum and Commodity Classic in New Orleans, and credit toward a Farm Journal learning event.

“The next generation of farmers has a tough task ahead of them. They must meet the challenge of supporting a growing population through technology and innovation, and they must do it in a sustainable manner,” says Jim Blome, president and CEO of Bayer CropScience. “The Young Farmer Sustainability Award recognizes the next generation of growers who are applying the latest and greatest innovations on their farms to ensure that their business, their community and the environment will prosper.”

The next Young Sustainable Farmer will be selected in late January, and the winner will be announced at the annual Bayer Ag Issues Forum, March 1-2 in New Orleans, just prior to the 2016 Commodity Classic. This marks the sixth year of the Young Farmer Sustainability Award. Last year’s winner was Andrew Fansler, CEO of Fansler Farms in Shelbyville, Ind. Learn more about Fansler and previous winners by watching their profile videos here.