Managing White Mold

Published online: Jun 20, 2017 Articles, New Products
Viewed 2457 time(s)

Prevalent in Idaho and the Pacific Northwest, white mold develops in areas with dense canopy growth and moist conditions. Lesions begin to form between the stem and branches two to three weeks after row closure, and the white cottony growth spreads. Foliage wilt, bacterial stem rot and plant death result from white mold.

Crop rotation with non-hosts, managing canopy growth and density, and proper irrigation reduce the risk of white mold affecting potato crops.

Omega fungicide from Syngenta is an additional tool for white mold management in potato crops. The fungicide is a flexible option for growers and offers a multi-site mode of action to attack pathogens, low use rates, various application methods and quick rainfastness.


Source: Syngenta Know More Grow More