Calendar: Washington State Weed Conference

Published online: Oct 18, 2017 Articles, Event Calendar
Viewed 3192 time(s)

The Washington State Weed Conference, one of the largest meetings of its kind in the United States, celebrates its 67th anniversary Nov. 1-3 at the Wenatchee Convention Center in Wenatchee, Wash. 

The 2½-day event includes over 40 speakers, workshops, general and concurrent breakout sessions, an indoor and outdoor tradeshow, luncheon, social and a weed quiz with cash prizes. Attendees will have the opportunity to earn pesticide license recertification credits for Washington, Oregon and Idaho.

This year’s conference features Dean Pearson, a research ecologist at the USDA Forest Service Rocky Mountain Research Station. Pearson will present on climate change and how it effects vegetation and land managers and managing weeds in a changing world. He has authored over 50 publications and received several honors, including the National Forest System Invasive Species Program Award.

The Weed Warrior award, recognizing achievement in weed control and the highest honor the Washington State Weed Association bestows, will be announced as well.

“Weed Cup” trophies will be presented in the annual Mike Braun weed quiz, which includes both a professional and “fun” division. Cash prizes are also awarded in the pro division. A photo contest will be held with cash prizes for the winners. 

The conference is open to the public, with a fee of $125 for those registered by Oct. 26 and $150 if registered thereafter. Additional information and registration are available online at or by contacting the Washington State Weed Association office at (509)