New Product: Modine Model BTP Unit Heater

Cutting-edge HVAC manufacturer releases new commercial unit heater that combines features from two previous models

Published online: Nov 16, 2018 New Products
Viewed 2312 time(s)

Modine Manufacturing Company, a leader in technology in the HVAC industry, announces the latest addition to its gas-fired power vented unit heater, the Model BTP. The Modine Model BTP offers the same functionality as the company’s PTP unit, upgraded with factory-installed blower assemblies.

“At Modine, we’re constantly looking for ways to improve thermal efficiency and provide our customers with a product that’s tailored to their specific needs,” says Jamie Tuinstra, product manager at Modine. “The addition of the blower assemblies allows customers to add duct work onto the unit to better distribute heat and air. It also means a quieter operation, as blower unit heaters are much quieter when running.”

Features of the new Model BTP include:

  • 82 percent thermally efficient
  • Low-profile design that allows quick and easy installations
  • Seven available sizes ranging from a 150,000 to 400,000 BTUs
  • Comes standard with a 409 stainless steel primary heat exchanger (important for greenhouse use)
  • ELT certification for commercial and industrial use in the U.S. and Canada

“The new BTP is a perfect fit for greenhouse applications, but can also be used in a number of other situations where having a better and more flexible air mover is key,” says Tuinstra. “The BTP also allows for higher mounting heights and a variety of airflow settings, providing more power to help in larger building applications.”

Click here for more information about Modine’s new Model BTP.

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