Idaho Potato Industry Asked for Input in Freight Policy

Published online: Feb 08, 2019 Articles
Viewed 1683 time(s)

The Idaho Potato Commission is asking for the potato industry's input in a brief survey to collect information on freight and commodity flows throughout the state of Idaho. Input is essential for guiding the State of Idaho and Idaho Transportation Department in important policy, investment and planning decisions as it pertains to freight movement within the state.
The short, 10-minute survey will provide a detailed analysis for those major supply-chains supporting Idaho’s freight economy. Questions seek input in regard to types of commodities shipped/received, volume of said commodities, route of transport, and mode of transport. This information will help the researchers identify significant freight supply-chains within Idaho and assist in future planning. 
The Idaho State Department of Agriculture is supporting this effort and encourages your participation. This will help identify and meet the freight needs of Idaho agriculture in the years to come.
This survey is being conducted byEric L. Jessup and Sal Hernandez of Washington State University and Oregon State University, respectively, for a research project entitled “Idaho statewide freight data & commodity Supply-Chain Analysis.” This research is sponsored by The Idaho Transportation Department (ITD).
To begin the survey, click the survey link below:
SURVEY LINK: Idaho Transportation Department Supply Chain Survey
If you have any questions about this research project, please contact:
Eric L. Jessup at or
Sal Hernandez at