Delegate WG Insecticide Registered for Potatoes, Sugarbeets

Published online: Feb 11, 2021 Articles, Insecticide, New Products
Viewed 2188 time(s)

Corteva Agriscience has received U.S. EPA and state approvals for Delegate WG insecticide in potatoes and sugarbeets. Labeled insects include Colorado potato beetle, potato psyllid, worms, thrips and leafminer.

Delegate contains the active ingredient spinetoram, a member of IRAC Group 5 (spinosyns). No other class of products — organophosphates, neonicotinoids or pyrethroids — affects the insect nervous system with the same mode of action. Delegate WG is similar in mode of action to Blackhawk insect control, a Corteva Agriscience product and also a member of IRAC Group 5. However, Delegate provides sharper control of insects.

Field trials with Delegate have been conducted on pests such as Colorado potato beetle and potato psyllid. 

“The performance of Delegate, based on speed of kill and length of residual, is improved compared to Blackhawk,” says Harvey Yoshida, Corteva field scientist. “Delegate controls pests through contact and ingestion activity, plus it has translaminar movement to help with internal feeders and pests out of the direct line of spray.

“In potato-growing areas where growers struggle with Colorado potato beetle, Delegate will be an excellent addition to the rotational program,” Yoshida continues. “But even in areas where multiple pests are in a field without one being dominant, the fact that Delegate controls four important insects is a significant advantage.”

Delegate can be included in IPM programs that take advantage of beneficial insects. In fact, wide-scale use in other crops has shown Delegate to have low impact on populations of key beneficial insects. Delegate was originally registered under EPA’s Reduced Risk Pesticide Program.

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