Loveland Products' C2 Technology Plays Critical Role in Nutrient Management

Published online: Apr 27, 2021 Articles, Fertilizer, New Products
Viewed 1863 time(s)

As the prices of key crop production nutrients continues to rise, Loveland Products’ C2 Technology products, a proprietary product line of Nutrien Ag Solutions, are playing a critical role in helping producers manage nutrients while getting the most out of nutritional inputs.

Nutritional solutions powered by C2 Technology from Loveland Products unlock the power of a grower’s soil, and are an effective way to maximize the benefit of nutritional applications. C2 Technology is a unique nutrient management platform that drives nutrient-use efficiency. At the same time, it improves soil health. It is a library of substances containing various carbon compounds, including carbohydrates, which boost biological activity in the soil. In addition, those compounds improve the soil’s ability to hold both water and nutrients.

“We have seen  the prices for key nutrients such as phosphorus and nitrogen rise significantly over the past six months,” says Joe Vaillancourt, product marketing manager with Loveland Products. “Maximizing the efficacy of these nutrients to make sure they are available for plant uptake is important both from an economic and environmental perspective. Choosing fertilizers that are powered by C2 Technology ensures plants will get the optimum benefit from those nutrients.”


How C2 Technology Works

  • •Unique carbon components in C2 Technology drive chemical and biological activity in the soil and promote better soil structure.
  • Proprietary extraction methods produce customized extractions of carbon-based compounds that meet the specific needs of each nutrient with which they are combined.
  • The carbohydrates in C2 Technology act as a food source for beneficial soil microbes.
  • These carbohydrates also assist in complexing nutrients to make them more available to plants.
  • Nutrients in the various products powered by C2 Technology are combined with carbon and carbohydrates to form protected nutrients. This process results in increased fertilizer efficiency and reduced soil tie-up.
  • This complexing of nutrients also enables flexibility in application.

Loveland Products produces a wide array of fertilizer products powered by C2 Technology, which are available only at Nutrien Ag Solutions retail locations across the U.S.

No matter what challenges a grower faces in the field, Loveland Products makes a fertilizer powered by C2 Technology that can effectively deliver nutrition and improve the health of their soil. Research shows that use of C2 Technology leads to improved soil health and productivity. By using products built with C2 Technology, growers will leave the soil healthier than when they began farming it.

To learn more about C2 Technology and the entire portfolio of C2 Technology products, visit, or contact your local Nutrien Ag Solutions representative.