Pesticides Buyers’ Guide

Published online: May 05, 2021 Articles, Insecticide, New Products
Viewed 3130 time(s)
This buyers' guide appears in the May 2021 issue of Potato Grower.

There are a lot of little critters out to get your potato crop. The products in this buyers' guide will help you fight them off.

Corteva Agriscience

Delegate WG Insecticide

Corteva Agriscience has received U.S. EPA and state approvals for Delegate WG insecticide in potatoes and sugarbeets. Labeled insects include Colorado potato beetle, potato psyllid, worms, thrips and leafminer.

Delegate contains the active ingredient spinetoram, a member of IRAC Group 5 (spinosyns). No other class of products — organophosphates, neonicotinoids or pyrethroids — affects the insect nervous system with the same mode of action. Delegate WG is similar in mode of action to Blackhawk insect control, a Corteva Agriscience product and also a member of IRAC Group 5. However, Delegate provides sharper control of insects.

Field trials with Delegate have been conducted on pests such as Colorado potato beetle and potato psyllid. 

Delegate can be included in IPM programs that take advantage of beneficial insects. In fact, wide-scale use in other crops has shown Delegate to have low impact on populations of key beneficial insects. Delegate was originally registered under EPA’s Reduced Risk Pesticide Program.


Solera ATO, LLC

(928) 503-1518

Vy-king 42 Insecticide-Nematicide

Vy-King 42 insecticide/nematicide is a water-soluble liquid that can be applied by ground, air or chemigation. Vy-King 42 is labeled for use on potatoes, cotton, peanuts and tobacco. It has a two-day re-entry interval and a seven-day preharvest interval for potatoes. 

Vy-King 42 controls aphids, Colorado potato beetles, flea beetles, potato leafhopper and tarnished plant bug, and suppresses and two-spotted spider mite, root-knot (except Javanese), sting, lesion and stubby-root nematodes. It is sold in package sizes of  a case of two 2.5-gallon jugs or a 250-gallon tote.


Oro Agri

(559) 442-4996


PREV-AM is a three-in-one insecticide, fungicide and miticide. It is a contact pesticide that can be applied throughout the season without danger of resistance buildup and is perfect for controlling pre-harvest insect and disease infestations. With a short REI and PHI, PREV-AM is a versatile alternative to conventional pesticides and is ideal for IPM and sustainable farming practices.

The desiccating properties of PREV-AM result in quick knockdown of insects and mites, typically within two to 24 hours. The water-repellent layer protecting most insects loses its effectiveness when contacted by a PREV-AM application. This allows the active ingredient to penetrate and destroy the soft, living tissues underneath. Insects and mites are then exposed to the loss of body fluids, causing death.

As a fungicide, the PREV-AM spray solution breaks down the protective membranes of the superficial fungal mycelia (hyphae) and spores, allowing the active ingredient to penetrate and destroy the living tissues underneath. This exposes the organism to the drying effect of the atmosphere and causes collapse within two to 24 hours. Plant tissue damaged by the fungus may also dry out and prevent further spread of infection, but healthy tissue is not affected at the recommended application rate.


FMC Corporation


Vantacor insect control powered by Rynaxypyr active delivers the industry standard active ingredient for long residual control of Lepidopteran pests. This highly concentrated formulation of Rynaxypyr active uses a low use rate to target key insects like Colorado potato beetle, cabbage looper, armyworm and grasshoppers that can diminish profitability in potatoes.

This pest management tool offers a low use rate formulation applied at 0.7 to 2.5 ounces per acre for improved mixing, less packaging and minimal impact on many important beneficial insects.


Deliver fast-acting, long-lasting residual insect control of Lepidopteran insects and many other pests with Elevest insect control.This pre-mix combines the industry-leading Lepidopteran activity of Rynaxypyr active with the fast knockdown and broad-spectrum action of bifenthrin.

Elevest provides excellent control of a broad spectrum of more than 40 pests, including plant bugs, armyworms and stink bugs. It is an excellent fit for growers fighting the worm complex and other insects simultaneously, and provides fast knockdown of targeted pests. Elevest is Rainfast as soon as the application is dry.


UPL Ltd.

(610) 491-2800 


Rimon insecticide (IRAC 15) is a broad-spectrum larvicide and ovicide that provides excellent control of key pests in potatoes, including Colorado potato beetle and loopers. As an insect growth regulator, Rimon goes after eggs, larvae and nymphs while remaining easy on beneficials.

Manzate Pro-Stick

Manzate Pro-Stick fungicide (FRAC M3) is the preferred option for superior control of early and late blight. Its multi-site action reduces the risk of disease resistance, a benefit difficult to find in other fungicide options. Manzate Pro-Stick has effectively been used for decades without a reported incidence of resistance. Its advanced formulation is built to provide better coverage and adherence to the leaf surface.

Tripzin ZC

Tripzin ZC herbicide (HRAC 3,5) combines two of the most effective residual active ingredients in an innovative formulation. It is designed for pre-emergent and at-planting applications to provide consistent, long residual control of a wide weed spectrum.


Vive Crop Protection

Averland FC

Potato growers have a convenient new tool to battle nematodes in-season with Averland FC. Averland FC (abamectin + Allosperse) was registered by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency in 2019, and Vive Crop Protection recently issued a label recommendation (2ee) for protection from nematodes in potatoes by chemigation.

Growers can now replace three chemigation applications of Vydate C-LV with three chemigation applications of Averland FC. It provides the same level of activity, with significant cost savings and less product handling. It also mixes seamlessly with in-season fertility to help create on-farm efficiency. It is simple and effective, and significantly reduces user and environmental exposure”
As a foliar or chemigation application, Averland FC also takes care of Colorado potato beetle, leafminers, psyllids, mites and thrips. It is based on the Allosperse Delivery System, which allows products to be mixed and applied with foliar fertilizer.


Drexel Chemical

(901) 774-4370

Drexel Potato Portfolio

Drexel’s Dimethoate LV-4 is a systemic miticide and Group 1B organophosphate insecticide. A low-volatile organic compound, it contains 4 pounds of dimethoate per gallon, it provides excellent tank-mixing compatibility and controls aphids, grasshoppers, leafhoppers and leafminers.

L-C insecticide targets aphids, armyworms, beetles, caterpillars, cutworms, grasshoppers, hornworms, leafhoppers, Lygus bugs, plant bugs, potato psyllid, potato tuberworm and stinkbugs. L-C contains 1 pound per gallon of active ingredient lambda-cyhalothrin. It is a Group 3A pyrethroid insecticide that can be tank-mixed with liquid fertilizers.

SUFFA is registered for use on a wide range of fungal diseases, insects and nutrient deficiencies. At a concentration of 52 percent elemental sulfur, it contains 6 pounds of sulfur per gallon. In potatoes, SUFFA controls Atlantic, broad, Pacific, red spider, strawberry and two-spotted mites, as well as powdery mildew and rust.



(414) 351-1476

Rozol Rodent Baits

Since 1971, farmers have relied on Rozol to help manage field rodents. Today, Rozol is labeled for use on ground squirrels, black-tailed prairie dogs, pocket gophers, rats, mice and voles on farms and ranches in many states.

With over 50 years of combined hands-on knowledge and experience, the Liphatech ag team is on hand to help growers with their toughest rodent challenges. If you have a tough rodent problem, Rozol can handle it.


(866) 796-4368

Minecto Pro

A broad-spectrum, foliar insecticide, Minecto Pro insecticide controls the most important potato pests, including Colorado potato beetles and potato psyllids. Harnessing the power of two complementary active ingredients—cyantraniliprole and abamectin—into one convenient pre-mix formulation, Minecto Pro protects against multiple pest populations that overlap or occur at the same time. Minecto Pro allows for robust use rates of each active ingredient and is an excellent alternative to foliar neonicotinoid insecticides.


Using dual modes of action, Besiege insecticide provides broad-spectrum control of lepidopteran, sucking and chewing insect pests by contact, ingestion and ovicidal action. This foliar-applied insecticide provides rapid knockdown and long-lasting residual control in potatoes. Besiege combines two different insecticide modes of action: diamide (chlorantraniliprole) and pyrethroid (lambda-cyhalothrin).


Potato growers looking for enhanced, early-season control of soil-borne diseases need look no further than Elatus fungicide. Created from a combination of two powerful fungicides, Elatus provides harder-working, longer-lasting control of Rhizoctonia and other soil-borne diseases resulting in improved emergence, more uniform crop stand, enhanced crop health, and optimized distribution of tuber size. As the only in-furrow technology that contains a proven strobilurin and the latest, most advanced SDHI fungicide, Elatus provides built-in resistance management for potato growers.

CruiserMaxx Potato

CruiserMaxx Potato liquid seed treatment offers protection from harmful insect pests, including Colorado potato beetle, green peach aphid and leafhoppers. Additionally, CruiserMaxx Potato delivers immediate protection against fungal diseases, such as Fusarium, Rhizoctonia and seed-borne Helminthosporium solani (silver scurf).

CruiserMaxx Vibrance Potato

Led by Vibrance RootingPower, CruiserMaxx Vibrance Potato protects against key insects including Colorado potato beetle, aphids, potato leafhopper and potato psyllid. Additionally, CruiserMaxx Vibrance Potato combines the power of three industry-leading fungicides for Rhizoctonia, Helminthosporium and Fusarium protection.



Embrece-EA Surfactant 

Embrece-EA is a unique blend of surfactants designed to elevate the performance of fungicides, insecticides and miticides by increasing wetting and spreading of spray materials.   

Embrece-EA’s proprietary blend of nonionic surfactants (NIS) gives growers superior coverage and excellent wetting of their chosen spray material, meaning more product stays on the leaf surface, providing quicker absorption and improved control of the targeted pest. In addition to increased performance, Embrece-EA offers growers more safety and peace of mind while allowing for more application flexibility dependent on the crop grown. A lower use rate (1 pint per 100 gallons) is ideal for cover sprays, while higher use rates (1 quart 100 gallons) provides more penetration. The product also works well with difficult formulations, like soluble concentrates, and gives growers a safer alternative to similar adjuvants. 

Embrece-EA is part of Wilbur-Ellis’s Eco Advantage line of products. Every Eco Advantage adjuvant is labeled for aquatic use, is made with ingredients for improved safety and handling, and is nonylphenol ethoxylates-free. Embrece-EA boasts lower phytotoxicity concerns than traditional adjuvants, as well as lower toxicity concerns for humans and the environment. 

Omex Agrifluids

(559) 661-6138

NemOMEX Nematicide

NemOMEX is a cost-effective biopesticide that uses an extract from the wood and bark of the soapbark tree (Quillaja saponaria). As an end-use product with over 18 years of data, Q. saponaria extract has proven to inhibit growth of nematodes in food crops, turfgrass and ornamental plants. As a pesticide active ingredient, the extract does not harm humans, non-target organisms or the environment. NemOMEX is 100 percent soluble at recommended usage rates and can be applied by ground spray, shank injection or chemigation.

NemOMEX nematode management has shown and continues to show variability in nematode mortality rate depending on the ecological system, which includes plant-parasitic species and population size, plant, climate and soil environments, along with relationships between free/beneficial nematode populations.