Published online: Feb 17, 2012 Potato Storage, Potato Harvesting, Seed Potatoes
Viewed 2623 time(s)
Web Exclusive

From October-December 2011, Mexican media contacts were provided three press releases entitled: "The potato as a food rich in vitamin B6," "Potatoes with their potassium content are an ideal food to help control blood pressure" and "Attractive Nutrition." These releases focused on the nutritional benefits of potatoes in all forms: fresh, frozen and dehydrated.

There were a total of 87 pick-ups during the quarter by the Mexican media, including magazines, newspapers, radio, TV and websites. The 65 print publications had more than 6 million readers and an equivalent ad space value of $272,306, or a media cost equivalent of $953,074. The 10 websites had more than 798,475 visitors, with an equivalent ad space value of $14,337, while the 12 radio and television airings had a total audience of 23 million people and an equivalent ad space value of $60,470.

SOURCE: United States Potato Board