Potatoes in Pocatello

At the 2015 Idaho Potato Conference

Published in the March 2015 Issue Published online: Mar 30, 2015 Tyrell Marchant, Editor
Viewed 3672 time(s)

While it may drive some Idahoans crazy, the fact of the matter is that when most of the outside world hears the name of their state, the first and often only thought that comes to mind is “Potatoes.” And why shouldn’t they? Idaho is, after all, by far the largest potato producer in the U.S., and it’s an identity the state has chosen to embrace.

As such, the 47th Annual Idaho Potato Conference, held at Idaho State University in Pocatello, Idaho, was among the biggest potato-specific events of the winter show season. Hundreds of growers, applicators, field men and other industry representatives packed ISU’s Pond Student Union Building for the two-day event (Jan. 21-22) to attend any or all of some 45 breakout sessions to hear the latest on everything from government relations to beneficial insects.

The conference was once again held in conjunction with the Idaho Ag Expo, which took place in ISU’s Holt Arena and showcased the latest in ag equipment and technology. The evening of Jan. 21 saw many attendees attend a dinner and auction supporting the Idaho Potato PAC; the event doubled as an awards ceremony for Potato Grower’s commercial and seed Growers of the Year for 2014. 

Following is just a small taste of the goings-on at the Idaho potato industry’s main event. As always, the conference was a wonderful opportunity to rub shoulders with some of the best people in the world and to learn what the future of the industry holds.

Potato Growers of Idaho and the Idaho Potato PAC would like to thank all the donors and sponsors for the annual PAC auction, which was held Jan. 21 in Pocatello, Idaho.

1,4 Group
Bank of Commerce
Group Ag
Bayer CropScience
Pioneer Equipment of Idaho
Sun Valley Resort
Dow AgroSciences
Western States Equipment
Spudnik Equipment
Valmont Industries/Golden West Irrigation
Rain for Rent
Bingham County Implement
Lockwood of Idaho
Madison County Implement
Bonneville County Implement
Verdesian Life Sciences
Industrial Ventilation, Inc.
Les Schwab Tires
Potato Grower Magazine
Logan Farm Equipment
C&B Operations
National Potato Council
Spectra Productions
Commercial Tire
Double L
Christiansen Implement
Grower Solutions
Ashton Seed Growers
Bingham Co-op
Grover’s All Wheel
Double M
Holst Truck Parts
Zion’s Bank
Lamb Weston
Russell Mitchell
Helena Chemical
Simplot Co.
Maupin Welding
Koompin Ag
Snake River Cattle
44 North Degree Company
Sprinkler Shop
Valley Equipment & Irrigation
Idahoan Foods