Fertilizers & Growth Promoters Buyer's Guide

Published in the March 2015 Issue Published online: Mar 30, 2015 Fertilizer
Viewed 4760 time(s)


Enersol LDG

Amcol Bio-Ag announces a major development in dry humic and fulvic acid application to crops. Made with highly concentrated leonardite from Amcol’s own mine in Gascoyne, N.D., LDG technology captures the full humic complex in a robust and virtually dust-free granule that quickly disintegrates and disperses in soil water. Recommended in-furrow rate is 50 pounds per acre; the product can also be blended uniformly with dry fertilizers for even distribution in the field when broadcast, placed in-furrow or side dressed. Each application delivers a powerful dose of humic fulvic acid at 70 percent that is proven to increase saleable potato yield by over 10 percent while reducing culls by 25 percent.

Each application of Enersol LDG improves soil health by increasing organic matter content, CEC, water holding capacity and micronutrient (Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn, Ca and S) availability.



Smart Nitrogen


Nitrogen (N) is one of the most important nutrients in potato production. Yield is reduced if N is in short supply, and N management is extremely important. Nitrogen is the No. 1 grower controllable factor in producing quality potatoes. ESN is the logical nitrogen management option for potato production because the controlled-release technology ensures that N is available when the plants need it most.

ESN’s flexible polymer coating allows moisture to diffuse into the ESN granule, creating a nitrogen solution. The solution moves out through the membrane at a rate controlled by soil temperature. ESN is designed to release 80 percent or more of its nitrogen from 60 to 90 days, increasing nitrogen availability as plant demand increases. ESN’s controlled release eliminates the need for a side-dress or foliar application and provides sustained nitrogen through the period of peak demand without promoting late-season leaf growth.

ESN significantly reduces the risk of nitrogen loss through leaching, volatilization and denitrification, providing substantial benefits to the environment.

Compass Minerals




Compass Minerals, the leading producer of specialty potash fertilizer in North America, introduces Protassium+, the company’s newly branded sulfate of potash (also known as K2SO4).

Protassium+ is a premium, high-quality source of potassium with sulfate sulfur that provides superior plant and crop nutrition that top growers demand. In addition, Protassium+ is backed by the technical expertise of manufacturer Compass Minerals (formerly known as Great Salt Lake Minerals), which has more than four decades of experience in providing the highest quality plant nutrition products available on the market.

As the only manufacturer of sulfate of potash in North America, Compass Minerals has long been a leader in plant nutrition. Today, the company is seeking ways to broaden its product portfolio in order to help crop growers maximize yields and quality while improving plant health and value. As part of that strategy, Compass Minerals recently acquired Wolf Trax, a Canadian-based producer of micronutrients. This move positions Compass Minerals for future growth with new products and technologies that serve more crop segments and geographies.



(800) 295-0733


Baccarat is a new generation biostimulant. It is 100 percent natural for soil and foliar application. It increases carbohydrate production and plant root efficiency, resulting in improved yield quality and yield amount, as well as reduced plant stress. Baccarat improves uptake of N, P, K and micronutrients. Baccarat is also an excellent tank partner for fertilizers and pesticides.



Actagro is premier developer, manufacturer and marketer of environmentally sustainable soil and plant health technology solutions that globally enhance value for customers. As a science-based technology provider, Actagro delivers a broad range of highly effective solutions via its proprietary Actagro Organic Acids technology platform.


Yara North America, Inc.

(800) 234-9376


YaraLiva Tropicote and CN 9 are fast-acting liquid nitrate nitrogen sources with water-soluble calcium. Potato fertilization with water-soluble calcium reduces bruising during harvest, tuber imperfections and storage rot. Calcium even influences tuber size and number. Yield-robbing heat stress during vegetative growth is mitigated with Tropicote and CN 9 application.

YaraLiva CAN-17 (17-0-0-8.8Ca) is a nonhazardous liquid mixture of ammonium nitrate and calcium nitrate. CAN-17 and CN 9 provide the best fertigation sources after row closure and during tuber bulking.

YaraMila 15-15-15 is a homogenous prilled nonhazardous NPK containing ammonium nitrate and potassium sulfate. It is an excellent base dressing or side dressing for potatoes.

YaraVera Amidas (40-0-0 5.5S) is a new homogeneous fertilizer containing urea and ammonium sulfate in one granule. The nitrogen-to-sulfur ratio is 7:1, which is optimal for plant amino acid and protein production. It has a high crushing strength that makes it ideal for blending.

YaraVita is Yara’s full line of micronutrients and chelates. YaraVita products include liquids, suspension concentrates, soluble powders, and wettable powders to match up with almost any application method.

Grower’s Source

Overhaul, N-Keeper


Overhaul is a proven technology in soil detoxification. Overhaul is a soil detoxifier that dramatically remediates sodium levels and has proven to make potassium 90 percent more available and phosphorus 48 percent more available. Utilizing Overhaul in an agricultural soil health program can increase nitrogen efficiency by up to one-third. Overhaul increases biological activity to help break up compacted layers and drastically increase the development of the plant above and below the surface.

N-Keeper is designed and formulated to penetrate the toughest soils and drive moisture down into the subsurface, allowing it to be utilized during those times when upper layers of soil become dry and unproductive. Grower’s Source’s co-polymer wetting agent allows the water being held in suspension to be wicked up into the rooting zone along with the nutrients that have been made readily available by the N-Keeper complex of specialty enzymes. This retains nitrogen in the rooting zone, which prevents unwanted leaching and runoff.

Maz-Zee S.A. International

Penatron Soil Conditioner

For the past 20 years Penatron—with 30 synergistic components—has proven to increase yield and quality. It has root growth stimulators, desert plant wetting agents, hormones for stress and disease resistance, soil structure builders and other beneficial components.

Penatron reduces hot, dry, cold and wet weather stresses. It stimulates root growth with auxins and hormones. Penatron increases water infiltration that reduces water usage by 10 to 15percent, which reduces pumping expense. 

It stimulates soil microbes to improve soil structure and water-holding capacity. Fewer clods and dirt are therefore found at harvest. Replicated tests show an average increase of 45 cwt. per acre with more No. 1 potatoes.

The Penatron bottom line is higher yields and better quality.

Wilbur Ellis

Eco Advantage Platform, Nubark Gold


For over 93 years, Wilbur-Ellis has and will continue to provide the most advanced crop production technology with the goal of maximizing its customers’ returns on investment.

Eco Advantage is the newest portfolio of premier adjuvants from Wilbur-Ellis. All Eco Advantage products have common characteristics to provide a superior product with less impact on the land.

Syl-Tac-EA and Renegade-EA are part of the Eco-Advantage platform that provides outstanding efficacy, is approved for aquatic use, improves safety and handling, and is NPE-free. Renegade-EA offers a unique blend of methylated seed oil, UAN solution and a nonionic surfactant, improving wetting and stability in spray tank mixtures. It increases retention and penetration of herbicides on weed surfaces. Syl-Tac-EA is a highly effective proprietary blend of organosilicone surfactant and modified vegetable oil concentrate.

Nubark Gold is a unique formulation for application on whole or cut potato tubers to aid in the control of fusarium seed-piece decay. Whether raising commercially or for seed, growers can count on premier products from Wilbur-Ellis to help their potato operations succeed.

Agro-Culture Liquid Fertilizers


www.agroliquid.com / (800) 678-9029

Kalibrate is a precision-placed, soil-applied potassium fertilizer with exceptional compatibility and efficacy.
It provides needed potassium when applied in strip-till, plantertime, and in side-dress applications. Kalibrate is also effective when broadcast or injected through fertigation; making it an excellent potassium source for all soil-based cropping systems.

Superior performance and application flexibility are achieved through advanced manufacturing processes that utilize nutrient synergy and proprietary AgroLiquid chelating technology. In most soil environment,s Kalibrate eliminates the need for additional potash applications.