Buy, Get, Give

Holiday promotion to aid food banks

Published in the December 2015 Issue Published online: Dec 14, 2015 Frank Muir, IPC President and CEO
Viewed 2290 time(s)

This holiday season, the Idaho Potato Commission (IPC) is partnering with Unilever’s Country Crock buttery spread in what promises to be one of the IPC’s biggest national retail holiday promotions in its history.

The holiday season is a busy time for the potato industry, so it’s critical we provide incentives for shoppers to look for the famous “Grown in Idaho” seal when they purchase potatoes. Our “Buy, Get, Give” program offers consumers the chance to get free potatoes (up to $2) and the opportunity to help a family in need through a charitable tie-in with Feeding America, the leading domestic hunger-relief charity in the U.S.

The “Buy, Get, Give” promotion will run through Dec. 31:

BUY: To participate, consumers must buy any two Country Crock 45-ounce spreads and present the coupon at checkout.

GET: At the time of purchase, the customer will receive a free bag of Idaho potatoes (up to a discount of $2).

GIVE: The IPC will donate one 5-pound bag of potatoes to Feeding America for each coupon redeemed, up to 32,000 bags total, and Country Crock will donate $15,000 to the 35-year-old nationwide network of food banks.
Unilever will support the promotion with a national marketing campaign, including the distribution of 40 million coupons through Sunday newspapers that prominently showcase the “Grown in Idaho” seal. In addition, Unilever recently launched a new national television commercial that is airing on cable and prime television channels and features a family enjoying mashed potatoes topped with Country Crock.

Local retailers may also opt to create their own program to support this promotion, which could include coupons in their weekly flyers, in-store signage with coupons, and email blasts to customers in their loyalty program. The IPC will be using its strong social media presence to drive further awareness of the promotion.

Last year, the IPC and Country Crock tested the promotion on a smaller scale. It met with huge success, driving growth in both volume and sales for potatoes. We are confident this year’s retail promotion, which is national in scale and includes a substantial donation, will move a significant amount of potatoes during this critical holiday season. Additionally, four truckloads of potatoes donated by the IPC were received by the families in four geographically dispersed locations before Thanksgiving.