New Product: Valent MycoApply EndoPrime SC

New formulation promotes increased root absorption, nutrient uptake

Published online: Feb 06, 2019 Articles, Fertilizer, New Products
Viewed 2467 time(s)

Valent U.S.A. LLC announces the launch of MycoApply EndoPrime SC, a liquid formulation of the company’s leading soil enhancement product, MycoApply EndoPrime. Applied in-furrow, MycoApply EndoPrime SC contains four unique species of mycorrhizal fungi that help improve soil health, nutrient efficiency and drought tolerance and maximize yield potential throughout the season.

The mycorrhizal fungi in MycoApply EndoPrime SC colonize the root system of the plant and create filaments known as hyphae that attach to root hairs and extend into areas of the soil inaccessible to the roots. Mycorrhizae can store resources until needed by the plant, allowing for increased tolerance to stressors, including drought. In addition, the mycorrhizal fungi in MycoApply EndoPrime SC improves soil health—the hyphae produce glomalin, a sticky protein important to building stable soil aggregates for better soil structure. This increased soil stability helps retain topsoil and crop land productivity.

“Ultimately, MycoApply EndoPrime SC causes the plant to expand its root absorption area, providing access to additional nutrients and water not previously available to the plant,” says Todd Mayhew, product development manager with Valent U.S.A. “These benefits are available to the crop season-long, unlike many biostimulants whose benefits are short-lived.”

With the capability to be applied with water or starter fertilizer, growers can easily add MycoApply EndoPrime SC to their cropping practices for better plant health today and increase cropland productivity through healthy soil for years to come.

MycoApply EndoPrime SC is part of Valent Sustainable Solutions, Valent’s portfolio of solutions and services designed to help growers make incremental changes in achieving a more sustainable, viable and profitable operation. MycoApply EndoPrime SC is another example of Valent’s commitment to science-based innovation that protects people, the planet and productivity.

To learn more about Valent Sustainable Solutions, visit